11 Reasons Why Dehydration Is Making You Sick and Fat

Good article about why hydration is important and why just any other type of fluid will not do the job, YOU NEED WATER!

Adverse effects from not drinking enough water include digestive, skin, bladder and kidney problems, fatigue, and even headaches. We need water as much as the air we breathe in! Keeping your body hydrated is not a joke.

Did you know that dehydration actually sets in just before you start feeling thirsty? Sipping water throughout the day is the best way to handle it. Always have a bottle or a glass of water handy! If you’re not a morning person, having two glasses of water right after you wake up will boost up your blood pressure to normal levels, and it’s way healthier than having your first coffee on an empty stomach.

Many of us believe that merely drinking fluids like sweetened juices, soda or tea will hydrate you as well as water does. This is not true. It’s actually the opposite! To deal with the excess sugar and salt you are taking in your body wastes immense amounts of precious water just to clean it out from your system. And if you love your coffee, make sure to drink one extra glass of water for every cup you have.

Drinking water regularly speeds up your metabolism and makes you feel more ‘full’. You will eat less once you start drinking more! It’s the safest and healthiest way to lose weight. Drink up!


Alkaline Water versus Acidic Water and What's The Difference?


Acidic foods, acidic water, acidic beverages, and an acid producing lifestyle contribute to a wide range of illnesses. Excess acid in the body and blood stream leads to a build-up of mineral deposits in the joints and arteries, resulting in a restricted range of motion and eventually arthritis, other degenerative diseases and inflammation. Our internal system operates at peak efficiency when the pH of the blood is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.3-7.4. At this concentration your cells will thrive. By following a diet of primarily alkaline foods, by drinking alkaline water and by modifying your lifestyle to avoid acid producing activities (smoking, drinking alcohol and negative emotions are all acid producing), you can begin to detoxify your body, removing the excess proteins and acid wastes, which create inflammation and degenerative changes. A primarily alkaline environment within the body also helps with weight loss and is a good remedy for countless ailments.

When foods oxidize in your body, they leave a residue or ash that is composed of various minerals. If the minerals are primarily sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, these foods are considered alkaline. The same goes for the dissolved minerals in water. Water can be either acidic or alkaline. If the residue from food or water is primarily sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and incombustible organic acid radicals, then an acidic condition results.

Energy is the byproduct of the foods we eat. The body oxidizes or burns up foods to release nutrients. The wastes are predominately acidic. When your body cannot get rid of all the acidic wastes it produces, they become stored somewhere in your body. This accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes builds up in your tissues, joints, fat, urine, and blood. Acidic wastes accelerate the aging process of the human body. Some examples of solidified acidic wastes are cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, kidney stones, gallstones, urates, sulfates, and phosphates. Alkaline water helps to rid the body of acidic wastes. 

80/20 rule to keep pH levels balanced.

There are many acidic foods that may erode your alkaline health one meal at a time. A proven way to counter yourself and your family from the side effects of acidic foods is to follow the 80/20 rule of the alkaline diet. Simply put, for every 20 percent of acid-forming foods you consume you should add 80 percent of alkalizing foods to your diet. That way you’ll keep your Ph levels and body happy.

(Note: Not all acidic foods are acid-forming in your body. The lemon, for example, is an acidic fruit. However, when consumed it is alkaline forming in your body, because it is loaded with calcium, magnesium and potassium.)

Information from EPA website about Chlorine in our water

Information from Environmental Protection Agency website about Chlorine and Chloramine that is found in our water. Its a disinfectant used to kill microbes. This is not natural, of course, and we are putting this into our bodies. Our system has special filters to remove this substance so you are getting the best natural alkaline water available every time!


Body's natural mechanism to maintain pH balance

It's true...you're body naturally has mechanisms in place to maintain a 7.35-7.45 level pH which is slightly alkaline. So why alkaline water? Our lifestyles, eating habits, medications and stress have a way of disrupting all those mechanisms and in turn our body works harder to maintain the appropriate level. The majority of us eat mostly acid-forming meals full of sugar, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and way too much poorly digested animal protein. If you...r digestion is poor from a lack of stomach acid and other enzymes- a common condition today - and if you know nothing about the value of proper food combining, you will not digest your meals. Poor digestion also contributes to an acidic blood condition. Not all of us eat the way we should (although we try, we are not perfect). Alkaline water helps our bodies help itself in which it provides better hydration, minerals and anti-oxidants we need so our body does not work as hard to be efficient while protecting our cells from free radical damage. There is always the good with the bad and we want to focus on what is good, water is good but the kind of water you drink matters, so why not drink water that helps your body and in turn just makes you FEEL GOOD! Do your research and decide for yourself! We want everyone to know that it is possible to achieve better health simply by changing the water you drink. Water is life!

Not all alkaline waters are alike.

When doing your research on the benefits/detriments of alkaline water, it's important to remember there is a big difference between "electric" and "natural" alkaline water. Most information you find lumps all alkaline water into the electric category. Electric alkaline water requires something to be added to the water to induce the "charge." Electric alkaline water loses its charge, in 24-72 hours so you must consume right away. Natural alkaline water will maintain a high pH for weeks, months to possibly years. It's hard to find negative writing about natural alkaline water. Besides, natural is just how nature intended and what Earth produces naturally if humans did not interfere.


Is your brain dehydrated?

Is your BRAIN dehydrated? So many of us are unaware that even our brain is lacking hydration. Our brains are 80% water and when we fail to replace the fluids lost through sweat, our bodies borrow water from the cells in the brain for use in essential processes elsewhere. This causes the cells in the brain to wither and shrink. Dehydration not only effects the size of the brain, but how hard it works. Quenching our thirst with other beverages besides water is not hydrating our ...bodies or brain enough. As most of these fluids such as coffee, sodas, tea, beer actually make our bodies increase output and therefore dehydrating our bodies even further. Our natural alkaline water has a higher absorption rate than regular tap and other bottled water and our bodies are able to absorb it faster to be more efficient and keep our bodies and brain better hydrated.